Loving Hearts Senior Solutions “LLC was created and designed by two friends with a friendship for over 15 years, we grew more like sisters. Shoy Porter & Gabrielle Hayes who are experienced nurses and healthcare professionals with over 25 years. Our passion has always been caring for others. We have created a platform in Loving Hearts Senior Solutions to provide guidance and support to seniors that are in need to find answers and results in aging care at no cost to our clientele.



Gabrielle Hayes (CEO)
 A mother of 1 Daughter (Dominique) and 3 grandchildren who loves caring for others and traveling with family and friends. With intense experience in nursing for over 25 years with providing care, resources and her bubbly personality she continues to bless others with her gifts of passion.




Shoy Porter (CEO)

Wife to Rahsaan Porter and a mother of 2 (Samuel & Joi) 2 grandchildren. She loves spending time with family, traveling and trying good food. With over 25 years as a healthcare professional and entrepreneur, she is always thinking of ways to help and bless others.